Product Design

Industrial Design Trends 2023

  • Posted by Dienamics
  • March 2, 2023

The industrial design industry is continually evolving to meet the needs of the changing digital landscape. In this blog, we’re taking a look at some of the biggest trends in industrial design for 2023.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Augmented and virtual reality technology is becoming more and more popular. Recently, we’ve seen AR and VR applications in ecommerce, home improvement, and teaching. Further fields that are investigating AR and VR possibilities include navigation, healthcare, science, and more.

For product designers, this means we will have to start thinking in 3D instead of 2D. This involves building prototypes and user interfaces that leverage what the user sees around them. It’s about considering the user’s reality and designing products to enhance it.

Voice Control

Voice control technology is another common trend we are seeing in product design. Voice User Interfaces reduce screen fatigue and increase accessibility by providing hands-free or eyes-free interaction. Whether it’s on smartphones or dedicated voice interfaces like Amazon Alexa and Google Home, consumers have become comfortable with using voice controls to perform daily tasks like asking for directions or playing music.

To keep up with this trend, product designers will need to include voice interfaces more often in their products. This is especially important in fast-growing industries such as ecommerce and smart homes. Product designers will also need to solve challenges associated with voice technology such as privacy concerns, lack of accuracy and suitability to public spaces.


Providing personalised digital experiences to your consumers is key if you want to stay ahead of trends. Personalisation is moving away from simply using algorithms to recommend what to buy, what movies and tv series to watch, or what music to listen to. Now, the focus is more on front-end digital design, to take personalisation to the next level.

For example, some areas that designers are currently working on include:

  • Designing flows that invite users to share their preferences
  • Enhancing personalisation with the right content
  • Designing experiences so that they can avoid privacy concerns

Looking to get your product designed?

At Dienamics, we have over 35 years of experience in industrial design, tool making and manufacturing in Brisbane. We offer specialised design services to help you take your concept from an idea to a reality.

Talk to our expert team today.