Product Design

How to Get Your Product Idea Designed

  • Posted by Dienamics
  • October 27, 2021

Taking your idea for a new product from the ideation phase and into the design phase is an exciting step towards making it a reality.  

 So, how do you get your product idea designed? 

 1. Assess your concept: Work with a design company to assess your concept and find the most efficient way to build your product. Think about and plan how your product will be designed, constructed and manufactured.  

2. Scope your project: It’s important to scope out the goals and objectives of your project. Make sure that everyone on the team is clear about their role and expectations. Consider your timeframe, budget, materials and the quantity you want to manufacture. Also, this is a good time to consider how you will market your product…think about the market you are trying to reach, and when would be the optimum time to launch your product.

3. Design for manufacture: Throughout the design process, you need to consider how design choices impact manufacturing options. In your design, you need to balance form, functionality, and aesthetics for the best result. For example, the materials, surface finish, texture, etc. you choose will impact how it can be constructed or manufactured, which will in turn impact how it will be designed. 

4. Find a design company: When designing your product, it’s best to work with a reputable design company. This will help ensure a smooth process when it comes to getting your product developed, manufactured, and on the shelf. Look for a design company that offers quality service, brings expertise and experience, and has a proven track record of success. Ideally, you want your design company to have experience in designing products that use the same manufacturing process as what your end product will use (e.g., you wouldn’t get your house done by a building company that makes bridges).  

 Looking to get your idea designed? 

 At Dienamics, we offer a range of comprehensive services in every step of the product design process. These include: 

  • Product design, including concept assessment and project scoping 
  • Prototyping and process and materials testing 
  • Manufacturing, injection moulding, production, assembly and packaging 

 Contact us today for a quote to create a product you can be proud of!