Injection Moulding

Industries that Utilise Injection Moulding

  • Posted by Dienamics
  • October 22, 2013

Injection moulding is a plastics moulding methodology that is known for its reliability. It is widely used, with applications from large pieces to small computer components.

These are some of the key industries in which injection moulding is widely used.

Computing and electrical industries

Computing and electrical parts use plastic components to hold moving parts in place. These might include batteries, memory modules, and other parts. Many of these are very small and have intricate applications, so each component needs to be accurately sized to be effective. Injection moulding delivers the type of accuracy that is necessary for the computing and electrical industries.


The automotive industry uses small and intricate parts as well as large components. For example, a car could have electrical components and larger parts such as plastic front and rear bumpers. Injection moulding offers consistency and quality for these types of parts, which also need to be accurate and fitted to size. The method is also suited to large volume and rapid production requirements.



Learn more about or injection moulding Brisbane based services.